
Easy Share

Go paperless with Perfect

Best Document Management Software System in Kerala

document management software system in Kerala

Easy Share The Perfect’ Document Management Software System, will help you to share documents digitally. This allows the offices to go paperless.

Everything is done in stages. Easy Share offers organisations a Document Management System (DMS) that liberates them from paperwork using electronic procedures by replacing manual filings, postings, and printings. We created this centralised management application, which sets up a workflow, reduces costs, accelerates the process, and assists in successful operations. Easy Share, the document management software system in Kerala is a response to unorganised, tiresome, and slow office procedures which largely minimises the productivity of institutions. It offers easy management, smart monitoring, reduced operational cost, and optimum utilisation of resources.


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Easy Share – Document Management Software System

document management system

It will benefit you in the following ways:

Role-Based restricted access to documents
Track details of the shared documents (to whom, by whom, at when & how)
Bookmark the shared documents
Comment the shared documents
Archive old documents for future use

User-sharing of any kind of documents granted

Easily create a detailed event & Invite participants
Event modifications can be done
Assign alerts, the participants will be notified with details
Comments & Statuses can be marked
Complete visibility of participation status & comments of the users


Prompt communication between the employees of an organization is crucial for its sustainability. We share the required documents and messages within a fraction of a minute. Also, without any expenses and wastage, this process is ongoing.

By the messaging feature, you can:

Prompt communication enabled between members of the organization
Group messaging & Individual messages enabled to user
Send alerts to the user when a message is sent

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