Muttathe Mulla

Muttathe Mulla

Daily Loan Collection and Payment Application

Muttathe Mulla a Daily Loan Collection and Payment Application Developed following the scheme by the Government of Kerala. Muttathe Mulla is a Mobile App ensuring the rural distribution of Micro Finance through the ‘Kudumbashree’ community.

It emphasizes both the financial digitization of uneducated and unqualified members in rural areas and also establishing a swift, structural mechanism to present financial schemes for such people. The simple yet advanced UI is meant to be highly user-friendly.


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Muttathe mulla.



Giving Banking service at home and provide customer on boarding to remote areas.
Proper and online monitoring of disbursed fund and avoid any misuse of facilities.
Providing Jobs to needy persons in the Area.
Spreading Banking Awareness among common man.
The customer gets a loan at a reasonable rate and they do not become the victim of local money lenders.
Customer will get the awareness of banking.

Special Features

Secure authentication and authorisation
Data leakage is eliminated by encryption
Avoided local storage of sensitive data
Used encrypted TLS connections
Checking of IMEI number of registered mobile
Data transferring is done through encrypted JSON format.

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